Violet Moon Forums
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Requests for help
How to modify a peaceful pack to unblock Lexica Botania progression?
I have a question for adding Botania to an already fairly used world.
Issues with overgrowth seed on dandelifeon
Mana Pools and Mana Spreaders in Botania (Prominence II)
Noob Help With Endoflame Setup
Does host having Optifine matter?
fails to function intended infinity
shibas not attacking mobs
Infinite mana to keep Loonium running 24/7
Shape of Laputa Islands
Move monocle location on face based on skin...
help with entity health regen
Changing "Ignored Screens" config causing crashes
How do I remove the "q" button in the main menu
Mana "stuck" in Spreader
Magnetization stuck on due to /clear
Is there any way to create custom Shiny versions of mobs?
Dandelifeon Layout
Mana Tablet/Greater Band of Mana Recharge
trinket stuck on face?
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