xTexxi I'm trying to get a basic endoflame setup going, and I thought I understood how to do so. However, my current setup isn't working; it seems like only a few of the endoflames are picking up the coal. Heres my setup: https://imgur.com/a/vCuTcWY Any help would be greatly appreciated!
tzu98 Late, but making floating flowers might make the setup more clean. https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Floating_Flowers You could use floating hourglass and time it to give the right amount of coal.
williewillus tzu98 floating flowers require glowstone which is probably beyond what someone in botania early game has access to
caelestia IIRC a coal block burns 10x the time a coal burns. Feeding coal blocks also keeps more flowers at work with the same setup. It's just better.
Wormbo Just keep in mind that coal can blocks burn long enough to make additional coal block items on the ground despawn, if they are dropped too early.