Mapping all of them onto the Crafty Crate might be a bit too monotonous. For example, the Rosa Arcana already has the grindstone functionality, while some relevant anvil functionality is available through a Mana Enchanter setup (applying enchanted books to unenchanted items) and the Labellia flower (renaming things).
Other such features could be represented by a range of Botania concepts as well.
Botania 1.20 suggestions and integrations
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would be cool if magnet attract xp too
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The Rosa Arcana change to disenchant items and the existence of the grindstone has kinda made the Spellbinding cloth redundant (minus removing curses but lol).
An idea I had was to make it a consumable item that can move an enchant from an item onto itself, being used in an anvil to apply said enchant to another item (blacklisting books to prevent mana enchanter cheese).
Example: Power 4 bow + cloth -> bow + power 4 cloth, combine cloth in anvil with another power 4 bow to make power 5 bow (cloth is consumed in the process).
manaweave robes merchant
Not exactly new in 1.20 but still something that postdates botania - it doesn't have any shields. I could easily see a manasteel shield that has a blue instead of silver texture, can be repaired with mana, and has some other minor positive effect like a small resistance to magic damage when blocking.
- As every wood type has received their own variant of boats, doors, trapdoors, etc., I would like to see the livingwood and dreamwood get their own variants too (and possibly chest, bookshelf, and ladder variants as well [Quark enabled?]).
- Quartz brick variants.
- Compost mystical flowers. Add potted versions as well.
- I was wondering how relevant Vine Balls are since vines no longer need to a supporting block (except the initial) to climb on, although they still have the benefit of being thrown.
- A way to speed up the oxidation of copper and maybe remove layer(s) of oxidation.
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Dumping some ideas from Discord onto here, credits where due:
- Manaweave shoes give powder snow protection like leather (lolkazu) - add to freeze_immune_wearables tag
- Smithing table for elementium tipping (zach) and upgrading rings to greater variants
- Some kind of mana-powered beacon amplifier (haste 2 -> 3 e.g. for deepslate mining, and/or beacon range extension), possibly a multiblock akin to Thaumic Horizons planar vortex
- Make relics immune to all forms of damage minus void.
- Make the tiny potato a valid firework shape effect.
- Sending sherds through elven portal returns Botania sherds of pre-Shattering Alfheim, e.g. representations of yggdrasil, mjolnir and relics.
- Mana spreaders made from copper instead of gold (makes pre-runic altar Botania a bit more earlygame)
- Make the livingwood avatar able to use Rod of the Seas and smelty rod.
- Mobs killed by livingwood avatar with shooty rod count as player kills (i.e. they have player drops - lucidobservor, #3716), would make wither bit easier to automate
- Buff gourm food cap to 14 points (slight buff when FD installed), also let Kek eat FD pies and cheesecake
- Make overgrowth seeds usable on floating flowers.
- Remove Chiselled stone brick and maybe coarse dirt recipes (+ clay but apparently it's QoL despite bore lens being able to break clay into 4 clay balls anyways)
- Rework/remove cobble rod? Seems very underwhelming when black hole talisman exists for storage and bore lens for cobblegen
- Rework/remove Orechid ignem (Botania kinda ignores the existence of netherite, gold and quartz available from other sources, loonium changes will make netherite scraps renewable anyway)
manaweave robes merchant
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The clay deconstruction alchemy recipe is technically a tiny bit more expensive than a bore lens (about 4%), but can be implemented to be both much faster and more compact. That kind of benefit might be worth a slightly higher price.
For the Orechid (Ignem) I made some comparisons between natural generation and the Orechid conversions a while back. My takeaways from that comparison are:
- Stone conversions were originally based on actual overworld ore counts in a reasonably large area, but copper was not factored in at the time the current values were determined. It makes sense to update the weights with measured values to reflect the 1.18+ ore generation. -> stone ore distribution chart
- Deepslate ore generation was originally calculated based on Rafflowsia automation needs. Surprisingly, the weights for the two most relevant ores (25% iron and 10% diamond) are actually very close to the natural ore distribution (24.4% and 12.3% in 1.19.x). -> deepslate ore distribution chart
- Nether ore weights seem off by a bit, but it's tricky. Technically gold and ancient debris both have much lower weights than natural ore distribution would suggest, because quartz seems over-represented. However, even the current ancient debris rate (1 in 157, instead of the natural 1 in 111) is considered too high. I guess the Orechid Ignem is a really efficient way to skip over all the netherrack that's typically in the way. -> nether ore distribution chart
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Some salvaged lens-related ideas, mostly from way back when people dropped them into the issue tracker and had them closed with a pointer to the Botania subreddit:
- Composite Entropic + Kindle lens. This basically makes the explosion spread fire, similar to a bed in the nether.
- Composite Weight + Entropic lens. Turns blocks within the explosion area into falling block entities that get flung outward by the explosion. (I'm actually not sure how feasible or balanced this would be.)
- Composite Bore + Kindle lens. This will burn any items dropped by the mined blocks.
- Influence lens can push minecarts. Should probably be limited to (non-powered) rails, but could maybe also include boats on water. (IIRC there already were considerations to make the lens affect all kinds of projectiles. Not sure how much minecart pushing would be desirable, though.)
- Applying potion effects to mana blaster shots somehow. Usually this would be done with the brewery in some form, but similar to another suggestion in this direction (was it brew-tipped arrows or something like that?) there is the issue that the brewery exclusively makes beneficial effects.
- Composite Entropic + Warp lens, but including the item teleportation effect of the Bore + Warp composite lens. (I've seen that suggestion elsewhere, but doesn't hurt repeating, even though I think it's a bit over-powered.)
Note that the suggested lens combinations above are currently not even permitted.
1.20.3 is going to introduce the projectilesCanBreakBlocks
gamerule. Would it make sense to make the Bore Lens etc. respect this?
From another thread - some way to automatically fish. Perhaps a drum that, when triggered, fills water buckets in water with fish? Or, a lotus-inspired flower that produces random fishing loot for mana (heh, it could be called a Lootus).
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Wormbo Oh, here's a random idea that may or may not suck: To obtain Botania-related pottery sherds, what if there was a very small chance the Clayconia turned sand into suspicious sand with a clay-related loot table that included some of those sherds?
Probably not great for automation, since suspicious sand would just sit there and clog up the system. Maybe with another, also small chance (so it's less likely the sus sand is consumed before a player gets a chance to deal with it) the Clayconia could treat it like regular sand to convert into clay.
Also, considering the change for Drum of the Gathering to obtain suspicious stew from brown mooshrooms that have been fed a flower, how about letting the Pollidisiac feed them flowers for that purpose?
Wormbo maybe not so keen on the sus sand idea, but I can back the Pollidisiac adjustment.
On the topic of the Clayconia, maybe it's been floated before but could it just change mud into clay blocks? Skips the drying process for a small mana cost. Potentially could change it to require a rune of water instead of earth, with the flavour text adjusted to state that it absorbs moisture from nearby Mud blocks instead.
This change could also mean runes of earth use a clay block instead of a block of coal which imo is a bit boring.
manaweave robes merchant
How about a new brew that suppresses vibrations even without sneaking? (Could also become the suspicious stew effect for the Labellia, because library and all.)
Wormbo i like the idea, but the implementation might be tricky
williewillus Challenge accepted…
I've been looking at the open PRs recently, and particularly a suggestion on the one relating to ender air bottling caught my eye, talking about a dedicated item for capturing ender air. The discussion continues with:
I'd be fine with the idea of using the Botania brew vials/flasks for this. A new dedicated item seems a bit much.
Botania has its own, more magical fluid container items already, the managlass vial and alfglass flask. So this suggestion (which primarily gets rid of all the awkward mod interaction conflicts) proposes using those instead of mundane glass bottles to capture ender air. The open question is how to handle the different container sizes of those two items.
My suggestion: A managlass vial of ender air contains one unit and is throwable, while an alfglass flask contains two units and is not throwable. When using either for crafting you get the container item back with one fewer units. This would introduce only one additional item to deal with in autocrafting situations, a half-full alfglass flask of ender air. Crafting recipes could use the three ender air items (vial, full flask, half flask) interchangeably.
Alternatively, the flask is single-use for crafting as well, but has other potential applications (e.g. throwing it results in a larger ender air cloud, more ghast tears, etc.) or could be used in more efficient crafting recipes.
The expense is why I suggested leaving behind the empty vials/flasks. I don't think that happens in the current implementation yet. It would definitely make stockpiling the stuff more expensive either way, that's true. But at least it would be another reason to produce mana-infused glassware, even if you're not into brewing.
A thought about how hard it is to automate the Kekimurus at higher speeds without shenanigans or causing lag:
What if the Drum of the Gathering decreased the waiting time for chickens to lay the next egg? It could be reducing the remaining time by a relative amount, let's say 25-50%, but not below a certain fixed value, e.g. half a minute.
It wouldn't be as broken as milking cows, but totally fit with the theme of that drum, and could mean less lag overall for people who want to use eggs for stuff. Maybe there could even be a chance for chickens to shed a feather.
Wormbo I like the egg laying part. Not sure about the shedding.