Violet Moon Forums
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Suggestions for changes to the mods
What to do about spellbinding cloth?
my new ideas for quark
Bows from Botania in Prominence II
Dispensers and Armor Stand Arms
Quark Feature Suggestion Poll
add quarks to quark
Quality of Life on Black Hole Talismans
It’s thyme we bring Timeless Ivy back
Make some systems dependent on tags instead of the config
Idea: Different tiers for fruit of Grisaia
Ring of Thor - Chance of lightning
Add fluid inventory to Petal Apothecaries
Recommendations for mana storage
Floating petals compatibility.
What about readding quilted wools into mods for 1.20.1?
Add the "#blocks/enchantment_power_provider" tag to bookshelves
Botania 1.20 suggestions and integrations
Suggestion: Add a keybind option for Flugel Tiara dash.
[Suggestion] Hotbar Changer improvement
Make data-driven Attribute Icon system extendable
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