Violet Moon Forums
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Discussion regarding Botania, the tech mod themed around natural magic
Mana spreader full? help..
Botania 1.19.2-440.2 released
undead enthrallment functional flower + misc tool qol
Botania 1.20.1-446 released
Villager trading flower
More Fell Pumpkin Uses.
Botania progression thoughts
How to get the Botania's achievement: "Blessing"
New 1.7.10 Server
What's the most overpowered mana farm?
Narslimmus Problem
Botania 1.20.1-445 released
Elementium tools/armor – are they good or do they need a buff?
Mana Spreader Copper Recipe for 1.18.2
Botaddon (My old botania ideas) explained.
Is there a way to make a Hopperhock (or Hopperhock Petite) not use mana?
Mana enchanter not working, possibly conflicting with another mod
Mod adding
Could someone share some manafarm setups. (Botania + MythicBotany)
Rannuncarpus Help
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