Violet Moon Forums
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General long-form discussion
Elementium tools/armor – are they good or do they need a buff?
Botaddon (My old botania ideas) explained.
Quark 1.21 question
Garden of Glass Suggestions Thread
Wondering about Terraria Parity
Suggestions for structure-based loot/mobs from the Loonium
Mod Integrations
Quark 4.0-442
Curious what people would change about botania
What would you like in a Botania-focused expert pack?
Smooth stone generator
Neoforge vs Forge
Botania Shaders
Mana gen progression
Botania x Cobblemon
Why weird mana pool particles?
PSA: Conflict between Botania and FabricSkyBoxes
violent moon forums
Blinking spell focal point
Pack with new enchantments: rebalancing matrix enchanting?
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