This circuit is my favorite way to distribute fuel to lots of endoflames at the beginning of the game. I think this is a somewhat well-known piece of Botania folklore but i wanted to write it down in the forums 🙂

(That is a dropper facing right pointing into an Open Crate. Iron pressure plates are faster than wooden, but wooden plates work too.)
How it works: When your endoflames consume all the fuel and the pressure plate lifts up, the burnout clock gets updated and pulses 8 times, meaning 8 more fuel items are dispensed onto the plate.
Dropping more fuel at once means you spend less time on dropper busywork and more time burning fuel. Compared to the "hopper circuit" (a pressure plate wired to a vanilla hopper with a spaghetti noodle of redstone dust), this method can deliver poor fuels like sticks and planks to more endoflames at once, and it's also a little smaller 🙂
There are some drawbacks. After you add fuel for the first time, you need to "prime" it by updating the burnout clock - not a big deal if you manually add fuel, just remember to push the button. Also, in 1.7.10, burnout clocks can trigger on random ticks so it will randomly tiktiktiktik when empty, but after 1.8 burnout clocks work reliably and it's not a problem.