Welcome to our new forum, powered by Flarum (https://flarum.org/).
It's designed to replace our old subreddits (/r/botania, /r/QuarkMod, and /r/PsiSpellCompendium).
Reddit has recently gotten more and more user hostile, and as of mid-July even started deleting users' old DM's and chats. It's pretty obvious they don't really care about their users and their data.
Having our own forum lets us control our destiny in that regard.
Forums are also indexable and searchable. So much useful discussion is locked up in Discord and when the day comes Discord also decides to not store everything forever...good luck.
These rules are partially derived from the Discord guild rules:
- Please speak only in English.
- Please be nice to everyone in the server, regardless of their standing, roles, or time since joining.
- Please don't post spam, NSFW content, or advertisements.
- Please respect people's boundaries and decisions. Avoid discussing blocks, mutes, or pushing conversation after being dismissed, etc.
- Do not post or discuss overly sexual or depressing content, or act in an overly sexual or depressing manner. Not everyone is okay with that.
- Please don't use slur words. What is a slur is non-negotiable and you shouldn't attempt to skirt around it.
- Please tag posts with the right primary tags.
- This is an official Violet Moon space, and if you are banned from the Discord and we find you here we'll ban you here too, and vice-versa.
Other Info
Administration emails will come from the address violetmoonforums@gmail.com
If you don't want to sign up with email, you can use Discord or Github to sign in via OAuth.
In all cases, the OAuth application name should be called "Violet Moon Forums" and request no more than your name and email. If you see the "Log in with <X>" dialog request more than those things, immediately notify williewillus on Discord or IRC.